PA4AGE Objectives
Provide new skills
One of the main objectives of the PA4AGE project is to provide adult learners with new skills and new interventions by training professionals involved in the promotion of active ageing for older people such as educators working in gyms, active ageing organizations or physical activity centres, health and social care professionals (doctors, social workers, physiotherapists, nurses) and members of organizations involved in physical activity and culture who are adult service providers.
Provide new skills
Older adults should move more throughout the day and keep in mind that some physical activity is better than none. PA4AGE project aims to change the mind set of older people regarding the benefits and necessity of being engaged into physical activity sessions, through the emphasis on positive physical activity behaviors and through decomposing barriers and negative attitudes about physical activity.
Provide new skills
Global progress to increase physical activity has been slow, largely due to lack of awareness and investment. The PA4AGE project aims to produce actions that will raise the awareness about physical activities at third age by battling of still existing misconceptions about ageing focusing on biological decline and by that overlooking actions that promote a better quality of life.