PA4Age online training course

Empowering public authorities and professionals towards trauma-informed leaving care support PA4Age Project


The PA4Age Project – funded by Erasmus+ program – involves five partners from Germany, Greece and Italy with the aim to create an e-learning platform for physical educators and health care professional, to engage older population in sport activities, to promote active ageing and prevent the onset of chronic diseases.

Click on this section to learn more about the project!


In this section it is possible to deepen the knowledge on active ageing and physical activities among seniors by looking at the latest news, reports and literature.


The PA4AGE project wants to make people in the third age more active, by providing them new skills and points of view.

Click to learn more about the project’s objectives and how the partners plan to implement them.


The project is developed by 5 five partners: 2 from Germany, 2 from Greece and 1 from Italy with different areas of expertise and knowledge.

Click to discover more about them!

Latest articles Latest News and Events from PA4Age Project

4th Transnational Project Meeting, Patras (EL) 14th - 17th November 2023
3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Köln
Patras Meeting 6<sup>th</sup> & 7<sup>th</sup> September 2022