I.S.R.A.A. is an Italian public senior care provider based in Treviso. 700 employees: 70 nurses, 350 carers, 15 psychologists, 17 physical rehabilitation trainers, 12 GPs, 21 care managers. I.S.R.A.A. covers a wide range of the possible needs of seniors: 600 seniors with dementia disease in home care, 850 living in 4 nursing homes, 2 day care centres completely dedicated to seniors suffering from different types and levels of dementia. ISRAA also provides 32 flats for autonomous seniors. I.S.R.A.A. has knowledge and experience in assisting seniors to remain independent as much as possible despite their functional and cognitive limitations, by promoting positive feelings in an age-friendly environment, to improve the seniors’ self-efficacy and to raise their perception of quality of life.
At EU level I.S.R.A.A is member of EIP-AHA initiative as member taking part of D4 AFE group and coordinating C2.5 Group on Business model in care and ICT design for olders, of S.I.P.I. (Italian Society of Psychology on Ageing – Padua University), ENSA Network, ELISAN Network, Nord Sea Dementia Group. In 2013/2015 I.S.R.A.A was a partner in LLP-GRUNDTVIG, Project named “IN MOTION”, with methodological supervisor role to define specific guidelines for active aging and healthy lifestyles about nutrition, motion and cognitive stimulation.
Since 2013 I.S.R.A.A has been involved as partner and lead applicant in several EU programmes tackling various themes:
- Frailty prevention in 3rd Health Programme: SEFAC Project
- Raising awareness about ageism (WISELIFE), support the resilience of informal caregivers with social media (RESIL4CARE), promotion of physical activity in the third age (PA4AGE), training for health and social practitioners about Parkinson disease (SUPER) and aggressive behaviors of older people (PRAGRESS) and prevention of heat waves (HOPE) in Erasmus+ Programme
- User engagement and codesign in the use of technology for the independent living of older and for the early diagnosis of the major neurological diseases that are ValueCare project (H2020 DTH11-2019) and niCE Life Project in Interreg Central Europe.
- Seniors social isolation using ICT tools in Interreg IT-AT: E.CA.R.E Project
- Development of an age friendly environment in Interreg Alpine Space Programme: TAAFE Project