PA4AGE Let’s get it started!
The European Commission approved PA4AGE project – Promotion Of Physical Activity For The Third Age on 20th October 2021. The partnership consists of 5 participants from 3 European countries: Greece, Germany and Italy.
The Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet in Munster (WWU) are experts in physical activity research, the Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (ISRAA) will be a pilot site for the implementation phase pf the project with professionals and people at third age, Corporation for Succor and Care of Elderly and Disabled (FRODIZO) another pilot site with declination on professionals in the care and health area, PiKei New Technologies (PIKEI) will take care of the online platform and multimedia management, and finally European Group for Research and Physical Activity (EGREPA) is a European network encompassing several professionals in the field of physical activity and elderly people.
The PA4AGE general objective is the promotion of physical activity, as one of the most important components in the notion of active ageing, aiming to change older people’s mindset, by encouraging their participation to physical activity at any form and intensity, and under any physical condition, for improving their quality of life in physical, mental and social terms. The project’s specific objective is the education and training of adults from various professional profiles, having relation to promotion of active ageing or social and health care of older people, to act as promoters of physical activity to older people population. The project will last 36 months and the total funding provided from the EU Commission is 283.646.00 euros.