PA4AGE Kick Off Meeting in Münster
On 3rd and 4th March 2022 at the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster (Germany) was held the Kick Off Meeting of the PA4AGE project whose main objective is to promote physical activity in old age through education and training of adults of various professional profiles.
The work activities that took place during the meeting were prepared by colleagues from the University of Münster, which is leading the project. During the PA4AGE meeting the consortium discussed about:
- Project Overview (FRODIZO)
- Guidelines for analysis of requirements + trainings definition (WWU)
- PR2: E-Learning course development (FRODIZO)
- PR3: E-Platform development and validation (PIKEI)
- Dissemination and Exploitation (ISRAA)
- Project Management (WWU)
For the initial part of the PR1 activities the pilot sites (FRODIZO, ISRAA, WWU) will conduct some interviews or focus groups with people from the direct target (adults from various professional profiles around the promotion of active ageing for older people) and indirect target (people in third age and their caregivers) groups to know how they approach to physical activity, what are the barriers and what motivate older people on being active. The analysis of the results from the interviews and focus groups will be done by WWU University with the help of EGREPA to create the guidelines for further analysis of the requirements and trainings definition.
Let’s keep on moving!